Tashkent hosts International Conference on Afghanistan

 On July 25-26, 2022, the International Conference on Afghanistan will be held in Tashkent with the participation of delegations from more than 20 countries and international organizations.

The main goal of the event is to develop a set of measures and proposals for the approaches of the world community to promote stability, security, post-conflict reconstruction in Afghanistan and its integration into regional cooperation processes in the interests of the multinational Afghan people and the whole world.

The forum will be a logical continuation of the Tashkent High-Level International Conference on Afghanistan “Peace Process, Security Cooperation and Regional connectivity” (March 27, 2018) and the Tashkent High-Level International Conference “Central and South Asia: Regional Connectivity. Challenges and Opportunities” (July 15-16, 2021).


From July 1, 2022, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan starts accrediting representatives of national and foreign media to cover the International Conference on Afghanistan.

Media representatives wishing to take part in the Tashkent conference should submit the following documents to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan through the diplomatic missions of Uzbekistan abroad or by email press@mfa.uz:

1) a letter of appeal from the interested media outlet regarding the accreditation of its correspondent (s);

2) reference-information about the media;

3) biographical data of journalists and copies of passports;

4) photo of the accredited journalist in 700x700 dpi format (in high resolution, full face, on a white background);

5) completed application  form.

Applications are accepted until 06:00 PM (Tashkent time) July 15, 2022.

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