Новости Пресс-релизы

The President receives Turkey’s Defense Minister

27 october 2020 | Подробнее

Construction projects reported

26 october 2020 | Подробнее

Power industry enterprises to undergo transformation

26 october 2020 | Подробнее

Speech by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov at the event on the occasion of UN Day

23 october 2020 | Подробнее

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan and CIARS Director discussed the prospects for intensifying trade, economic and investment cooperation

23 october 2020 | Подробнее

Negotiations with the Ambassador of Sweden

22 october 2020 | Подробнее

Telephone conversation with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

22 october 2020 | Подробнее

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s Language Day festive message

21 october 2020 | Подробнее

National budget parameters discussed for 2021

19 october 2020 | Подробнее

Priorities for the long-term development of Uzbekistan analyzed

19 october 2020 | Подробнее

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